Monday 15 May 2017


When the dawn breaks into the day
And the Sun starts shining bright;
The divine rays dispel the darkness,
And spread over the chaste light;
The world wakes up from a long slumber,
Leaving behind the dark night;
The masses make hay, and
Get involved with their schedules tight.
Amidst all the changeover indifferent I stay,
There's nothing new-To myself I say;
Not because awake I had been the whole night that I can't see the light of the day;
But it seems there has been no night, no darkness on my way;
On voyage, I had been for time so long,
And for even more, I still may.
When the day ends taking away the light,
The darkness leads and follows the night.
Amidst the alternation indifferent I stay,
There's nothing new-To myself I say;
I take on the night and continue,
till the world sees the first sunray.
Once again the dawn breaks into the day,
And the sun starts shining bright;
I never stop for a respite,
Rather I continue my flight;
And until accomplished, I never sleep in the night, never sleep in the night.

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