Wednesday 17 May 2017

Make your own boundaries

Is it necessary to draw your own boundaries? - The answer is-Yes!

Sometimes you encounter a person you wish to avoid due to a history or some past experience. Everyone has a personal space and it’s one’s own choice how much to allow others into that space. We don’t live in a perfect world. So it’s perfectly “OK” to avoid someone.

The important thing is that you know how much you can tolerate and what is your threshold limit and accordingly draw your own boundaries. If you really want to stay happy –
  •         No need to tolerate others if you do not want.
  •         Do let them know about your personal boundaries.
  •         Be clear and be blunt in your communication with them.
  •         Ask them to respect your space.

This formula is applicable to every relationship and more you are ambitious, more is the need to draw a line.

I was talking with one of my friends and she told me how much she was disturbed with frequently asked questions after marriage, coming from people who she didn’t want to talk and wanted to avoid, about having a baby. Initially, she did tolerate them and was very much disturbed but now she is able to avoid these people. She is bold and blunt just enough and has created her own boundary for these people. The matter of family planning is her and her husband’s decision and it’s their personal matter, so she has full right to avoid answering others in that matter.

Sometimes we all should take our stand, should delineate boundaries and draw lines if we want to stay happy in our life and don’t want people to intrude into our personal space.

Monday 15 May 2017


When the dawn breaks into the day
And the Sun starts shining bright;
The divine rays dispel the darkness,
And spread over the chaste light;
The world wakes up from a long slumber,
Leaving behind the dark night;
The masses make hay, and
Get involved with their schedules tight.
Amidst all the changeover indifferent I stay,
There's nothing new-To myself I say;
Not because awake I had been the whole night that I can't see the light of the day;
But it seems there has been no night, no darkness on my way;
On voyage, I had been for time so long,
And for even more, I still may.
When the day ends taking away the light,
The darkness leads and follows the night.
Amidst the alternation indifferent I stay,
There's nothing new-To myself I say;
I take on the night and continue,
till the world sees the first sunray.
Once again the dawn breaks into the day,
And the sun starts shining bright;
I never stop for a respite,
Rather I continue my flight;
And until accomplished, I never sleep in the night, never sleep in the night.

Monday 8 May 2017


Life lost in the midst of vanity now feels like heaven,
No ambitions left:no desires fulfilled,no wishes granted though.
Perseverance will pave the way to a safe haven.

Hopes dying out and beliefs pretty lame, life struggles to come to flow.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Ten- Minute Creativity Challenge

Whenever we encounter a new type of challenge, it almost always gives us a chance to develop a new set of skills. For me, it is very important to challenge myself to keep myself motivated. So I took a Ten-minute creativity challenge to nurture my creativity. I took random topics and tried to create something creative in Ten minutes. I was especially focusing on nurturing my sketching skills.

 Here are a few topics that I randomly selected and sketched:- 

 1.Something which I dislike:-

Capsicum: - From the Greek word- “Kapto” which means “to gulp” Although I dislike Capsicum because I don’t like its taste, but I like stuffed capsicum, I do end up gulping it.

2.My Favorite animated Character:-

Pluto: - I like Disney’s beloved canine Pluto. The naïve yet cute dog speaks a lot with his expression and famous for his powerful sense of smell. He acts as Mickey’s sidekick.
According to Mickey, Pluto can find anything and anybody with his nose.
The only thing ever said by Pluto is ‘Kiss me’.
“Bone Trouble” is an animated short of the Pluto in which Disney receives an Academy Award for Best Cartoon.

3.Something that is in my room: - 

Wax Crayons: -There are a lot of things that make me nostalgic and wax crayons are one of them. I like to collect these small things as it reminds me of my childhood memories.

~If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old~
                                                           -Tom Stoppard-

4.Something Purple:- 

A Brinjal/ An eggplant: - I like crispy shallow fried eggplant and stuffed one as well. 
Do you know eggplants aren’t really vegetables, they’re berries. Which isn’t that strange, considering other fruits are commonly mistaken for vegetables- like tomatoes.
One of the fact about this fruit is -The eggplant is believed to have originated in India, where it is considered to be the King of Vegetables.
(I wonder who the Queen is?)

That’s all for now folks.Hope you enjoyed the post, will post again soon.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

तेरी याद


फिर तेरी याद आई जब
तो आईने में देख लिया चेहरा तेरा
मगर चिलमन ये वक़्त का जो ठहरा
चुरा ले गया तेरा रूप सुनहरा |

फासले ये घट जाएँ, चिलमन ये सिमट जाए
तनहाई के ये पल बस पल में कट जाएँ
नज़र में बसा लूं नूर तेरा की ये दुनिया मेरी रोशन हो जाए
मिट जाए सारे गम कि सब जीवन में बस तू ही तू छा जाए || 

A Book review for Monday

Today I finished one of the books of Sudha Murthy (one of my favorite authors) and would like to share my views on this. The reading exper...