Tuesday 20 June 2017

My Life

And the life still goes on and forever till eternity.
There’s nothing that makes it stop or deviate from its normal course;
Nothing that disrupts its flow, nor does anything slow down its pace.
Time runs out everytime I wish I had some for myself,
And expressions fade out in the vast multitude of gestures that intend to convey the feelings.
The real feelings are never interpreted or are always misinterpreted.
The perturbed emotions represent  themselves in the weirdest ways .
The mental agitation defeats the very existence of intellect.
All efforts to return to sanity only add to the misery.
Time slips as I try to grab into my hands,leading myself to vanity;
Time gone by comes back and passes,trapped into a whirl I find myself again.
Cognizance all lost and memories so oblivious.
Good old times but return to haunt and make me sick.
The turbulence just can’t get worse,time stands still,

And the life still goes on…..

A Book review for Monday

Today I finished one of the books of Sudha Murthy (one of my favorite authors) and would like to share my views on this. The reading exper...