Wednesday 17 May 2017

Make your own boundaries

Is it necessary to draw your own boundaries? - The answer is-Yes!

Sometimes you encounter a person you wish to avoid due to a history or some past experience. Everyone has a personal space and it’s one’s own choice how much to allow others into that space. We don’t live in a perfect world. So it’s perfectly “OK” to avoid someone.

The important thing is that you know how much you can tolerate and what is your threshold limit and accordingly draw your own boundaries. If you really want to stay happy –
  •         No need to tolerate others if you do not want.
  •         Do let them know about your personal boundaries.
  •         Be clear and be blunt in your communication with them.
  •         Ask them to respect your space.

This formula is applicable to every relationship and more you are ambitious, more is the need to draw a line.

I was talking with one of my friends and she told me how much she was disturbed with frequently asked questions after marriage, coming from people who she didn’t want to talk and wanted to avoid, about having a baby. Initially, she did tolerate them and was very much disturbed but now she is able to avoid these people. She is bold and blunt just enough and has created her own boundary for these people. The matter of family planning is her and her husband’s decision and it’s their personal matter, so she has full right to avoid answering others in that matter.

Sometimes we all should take our stand, should delineate boundaries and draw lines if we want to stay happy in our life and don’t want people to intrude into our personal space.


A Book review for Monday

Today I finished one of the books of Sudha Murthy (one of my favorite authors) and would like to share my views on this. The reading exper...